About Us

About MEA Engineering College
MEA Engineering College, the second self financing engineering college in Malappuram district, is committed to provide excellent and value-based education with a flair for ethics and professionalism. The College is located amidst panoramic natural beauty over-looking the hills and valleys at Nellikunnu, near Perinthalmanna, a city of various educational Institutions, situated on the Perinthalmanna-Melattur state highway. The College is easily accessible by road rail and air. Affiliation, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (initially Kerala Technological University),a state government university has come into existence on May 21, 2014 with an aim to give leadership to the technology related policy formulation and engineering planning for the state. It also emphaziess to improve the academic standards of the graduate, post graduate and research programmes in engineering science, technology and management and regulate the academic standards of all colleges affiliated to the University. The main thrust areas of the University are Research,Development and Innovation.

IEEE MEA SB – IEEE, pronounced “I-Triple-E”, is the world’s largest professional association with its corporate office in New York. IEEE MEA Student Branch was established in the year 2011. From the time of establishment onwards the Student Branch has been actively organizing various events and participating in events all around the sections at national and international levels. IEEE MEA Student Branch consists of societies like Industrial Application Society, Computer Society and Power and Energy society under IEEE as well as affinity groups like Women in Engineering that motivates girl students. Members from all the departments (CSE, IT, ECE, EEE, ME, CE). IEEE MEA Student Branch has played a major role in moulding the technical skills of the students within the college by creating an ambience for nurturing innovation, creativity and excellence in the student
IEEE is the globally recognised technical platform with exceptional resources and support. IEEE makes use of creative , innovative and ingenious minds to take it to the next level. It always provides perfect opportunities to showcase students’ beautiful and speculative works.IEEE envisioned future which is an enterprise wide strategic planning process combining the contemporary conditions with innovative modern ideas.
IEEE’s key goal is to support and re-inforce the young scientific and technological minds to construct and assemble their ideas and make use of the resources available for a better human living condition. IEEE succours the determined, earnest and enthusiastic youngsters to enhance their career, improve the amenities and provisions, build up and strengthen the growing professional minds in them. To lead our earnest and aspiring students to the massive industrious and enterprising outer world.
Our Team

Jemsheer ahmed


vice chairperson

MEA Engineering College, Peinthalmanna, Malappuaram(DT), Kerala, India.
Counsellor : +91 9747307320
Chairperson: +91 97448 01677
Email Address
Office: ieee@meaec.edu.in
Counsellor: jemsheer@meaec.edu.in
Chairperson: ayishajumaila@ieee.org